Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Dec-2014-week 5

Srimathe Satagopaya nama: 
Srimathe Ramanujaya nama: 
Srimathe Nigamantha maha Desikaya nama: 
Srimathe Ranga Ramanuja maha Desikaya nama:
  • Friday 1st - mArgazhi 18, rOhiNi - adhyayana uthsavam - rA paththu day 2
    • Full set of pictures at:https://plus.google.com/photos/117580241815460741716/albums/6099962190032552913
    • Morning
      • sayana thirukkOlam for Adhi kEsava perumAL at thanga maNdapam
      • thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai 
    • Afternoon
      • thirumanjanam for  Adhi kEsava perumAL and ubhaya nAchiyArs
    • Evening
      • puRappAdu for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, nammAzhwAr and emperumAnAr inside the temple
      • Grand assembly of Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, vishwaksEnar, AzhwArs and AchAryas

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Dec 2014 -week-4

Srimathe Satagopaya namah: 
Srimathe Ramanujaya namah: 
Srimathe Nigamantha maha Desikaya namah: 
Srimathe Ranga Ramanuja maha Desikaya namah:

- thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai 

  • Afternoon:

Grand assembly of Adhi kEsava perumAL in paravasudevan thirukolam , ubhaya nAchiyArs, emperumAnAr, ANdAL, vishwaksEnar, AzhwArs and AchAryas

  • Evening:

puRappAdu for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs and emperumAnAr

  • Saturday 27th, margazhi 12,Sadhayam-pagal pathu day 6

full set of pictures at:

  • Morning:

 - thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai 

  • Afternoon:

Grand assembly of Adhi kEsava perumAL in paravasudevan thirukolam , ubhaya nAchiyArs, emperumAnAr, ANdAL, vishwaksEnar, AzhwArs and AchAryas

  • Evening

puRappAdu for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs and emperumAnAr 

Friday, 26 December 2014

Dec 2014 -week 4

Srimathe Satagopaya nama:
Srimathe Ramanujaya nama:
Srimathe Nigamantha maha Desikaya nama:
Srimathe Ranga Ramanuja Desikaya nama:

adhikesavan thirukolam
Margazhi 7-11 ,Pagal pathu utsavam day 1-5

Full set of pictures at:

Morning :
 thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai 

Grand assembly of Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, emperumAnAr, ANdAL, vishwaksEnar, AzhwArs and AchAryas

 puRappAdu for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs and emperumAnAr